Houston Alumni Meet with Cooper President, Dean and Staff

Representatives of Cooper, including Acting President Bill Mea, traveled to Houston to meet with alumni at ExxonMobil

Representatives of Cooper, including Acting President Bill Mea, traveled to Houston to meet with alumni at ExxonMobil

Acting President Bill Mea and Acting Dean of The Albert Nerken School of Engineering, Dr. Richard Stock, visited the ExxonMobil Houston Campus on Thursday, March 3 for a luncheon with nine Cooper alumni working for the company. The event provided an opportunity for alumni to hear about the current state of The Cooper Union and plans for the school’s future. As ExxonMobil has an active recruiting program at Cooper, Acting Dean Stock and engineering alumni were able to discuss the growth opportunities for more students and alumni at the company. ExxonMobil also sponsors the Cooper Union Motorsports team in the annual Formula SAE competition. The team designs and builds open cockpit formula-style cars to compete in an intercollegiate design competition hosted by the Society of Automotive Engineers.

The afternoon provided an excellent opportunity for visitors from Cooper to learn more about the pathways students have forged in their careers and lives after graduating. Afterwards, the group went on a tour of ExxonMobil’s campus, highlighting the dynamic and collaborative work environment, lab and research facility capabilities, as well as a demonstration of how ExxonMobil leverages visualization technology to support exploration activities.

In attendance were (from left in the photo above) Samjit Walia ChE'13, Sophie Lee Landau ChE'15, Joann Lee ChE'13, Hadi Jammal ME'11, Glen Watson CE'91/MCE'93, Bill Symington ME'74, Dr. Richard Stock, Vito Dilenna ME'06/MME'06, Bill Mea, Amoz Gol CE'95/MCE'98, Diego Pena ME'97, Jen Clarke and Elizabeth Rivera

  • Founded by inventor, industrialist and philanthropist Peter Cooper in 1859, The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art offers education in art, architecture and engineering, as well as courses in the humanities and social sciences.

  • “My feelings, my desires, my hopes, embrace humanity throughout the world,” Peter Cooper proclaimed in a speech in 1853. He looked forward to a time when, “knowledge shall cover the earth as waters cover the great deep.”

  • From its beginnings, Cooper Union was a unique institution, dedicated to founder Peter Cooper's proposition that education is the key not only to personal prosperity but to civic virtue and harmony.

  • Peter Cooper wanted his graduates to acquire the technical mastery and entrepreneurial skills, enrich their intellects and spark their creativity, and develop a sense of social justice that would translate into action.